In addition to our billing analysis, we can also perform comprehensive cost saving audits of your entire infrastructure. Our multi-location audit services include the following:
- Basic Telecommunication Audit
Audit and create a global inventory of all services and costs for your entire organization. - VOIP Audit
Learn how switching to VOIP can positively impact your overall telecom expenses. - Clean & Recover
Identify telecom billing errors and recover overcharges from your carriers - Wireless Audit
Pinpoint wireless usage and spending down to the employee level while improving your telecom program.
- Contract Management
We provide a single enterprise-wide repository for all carrier agreements and give you the control to automatically track terms, commitment levels, discounts, rates and much more. Using nationwide market rate benchmarks and contract comparison tools, you can easily analyze your outstanding contracts, weigh the cost/benefit of proposed contracts and accurately and efficiently consolidate existing contracts. Isn’t it time to turn the tables on the carriers and start holding them accountable for their own contracts?For most of our clients, this is where the telecom savings begin. To start, simply provide us with one month of telecom bills for all of your telecommunications expenses for each location. We’ll scan them and get them right back to you, so you don’t even have to make copies. Using a rigorous combination of systems and individual analysis, we’ll propose a number of plan alternatives to you, detailing the cost savings as well as the pluses and minuses of each plan Not only is telecom one of the largest expense categories for most companies, it is also one of the most overlooked and under-reviewed overhead expenditures.
In fact, an average of 15% of a company’s total annual telecommunications spending is in error. And, with few exceptions, the error is always in the carrier’s favor. Although many companies struggle to resolve some of these billing errors, fewer than 10% of all invoices are validated before being paid in full.
Access Point Communications can save your company over 30% of your total telecommunications expenses. From provisioning to invoice validation, our solution manages every aspect of your telecommunications infrastructure to prevent telecom billing errors and save you time and money.