Deploying a VoIP system for your company is not as simple as most people think and just paying for it to happen isn’t the answer ,while there are many benefits of using this technology, you have to decide on which type of phones and platforms you would like to use.
Acqua Communications has put together the best ways available for small businesses to use to make VOIP calls.
First off you need to look at IP telephones, which by far are the most common ways for communicating on the VoIP networks. They have major advantages including the flexibility to allow users to easily move between various phone lines, or making it easy to stay connected while traveling, improved cost control and many many more advantages making them extremely useful for companies.
Another Option most people are unaware of is the use of Smartphones as an excellent platform for VoIP calls, because their data plans provide necessary internet usage that can be consumed by VoIP. In today’s world they are a must have and the ability to have calls be available on all devices it a fantastic option for VOIP customers it is like having an office desk phone in you pocket.
There are also many soft phone options that enable your computer to act like your phone and calls can be made and received, these are normally the most economical options and give you the great flexibility when traveling or working remotely.
Finally, you can use the same old telephone that you already have in the office by adding a digital adapter and save a few pennies, to complete the switch.